Digital Citizenship Trainings, coming at you fast!
Just last week we launched our supplemental Digital Citizenship trainings on YouTube. What does this mean for you?
Parents: access these videos to give your kids a great and FUN refresher for the digital citizenship they’ve been learning at school. We’ve got two training videos for Elementary Students, one video for Jr High and High School Students, and even one for YOU!
In addition to these training videos, we created family media planning guides utilizing the 3M’s for every age group: 0-7, 8-12, and 13-17. With all of us spending so much more time online at home, now is a great time to look at and assess what is working and what can be tweaked. Look over these guides and then sit down with your children to make a plan that works for everybody.
Teachers and Administrators: We have these videos up on Moodle, which means that we can give your school an institutional login if you want your students to take the assessment at the end, and then they can get a certificate! Contact us for more information – – and we will get that set up right away.
We appreciate your continued support and hope that these resources are beneficial to your current and future life in our digital world.