Who We Are
We’re a mission-based company researching and working in the area of digital citizenship
Digital Respons-Ability believes in a prevention science approach to preventing unhealthy online behavior that involves the individual, family, and community. We help educators, students, and parents build skills to use technology ethically and responsibly!
Since 2016, We Have:
What We Do
Student Resources
Our student classes and summer camps are a deep dive into digital citizenship that teach students how to communicate online, regulate their emotions, understand digital law and help students become better people online.
Our secondary (teen) programs include eight classes, and each student goes home with a booklet to support their learning.
Our elementary program includes six classes focusing on self-regulation and online safety.
Educator Resources
We also teach educators how to teach digital citizenship in partnership with Utah Valley University. Our training provides professional development and continuing education units (CEUs) and can benefit anyone who works with youth and technology.
The professional development includes topics such as online privacy, prevention science, pedagogy, tech trends, knowledge assessments, online communication, and more.
Parent Resources
We also teach caregivers how to parent around technology through group classes and one-on-one consulting. Our staff are trained and ready to help your school community create positive digital citizens.
Meet Our Founder & CEO
Carrie Rogers-Whitehead is the founder of Digital Respons-Ability, a mission-based company that works with educators, parents and students to teach digital citizenship. Carrie has spent her career teaching, creating curriculum and innovative programs and encouraging literacy. Before starting Digital Respons-Ability, Carrie worked in public libraries for over a decade. She has also been an adjunct professor for eight years and is current part of the prison education program serving students at Utah State Prison. Carrie calls herself a practitioner and continually educates students, parents and educators across all walks of life.
Carrie is a former TEDx speaker and regularly presents on technology, digital citizenship, education and parenting. She frequently writes and researches on technology and has been a regular contributor to ISTE and other sources. Carrie is the author of seven academic titles and won a 2021 Outstanding Reference Source List from the American Library Association for one of her books. She lives at home in Utah with her family.